Published Work in English (scroll down for publications in Dutch):
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 1: Introduction to Absurdity and Hypernormalization in Contemporary Society and Workplaces. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 2: Theoretical Foundation: a Multidisciplinary Review of Absurdity and Hypernormalization. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 3: Ideological Underpinnings of Absurdity and Hypernormalization. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 4: From Hypernormalization of Workplace Inequality to Dehumanization: A way out for Human Resource Management. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 5: 'Chocolates for the Director' and other Tales of Public Sector Absurdity. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 6: The hypernormalization of race in contemporary workplaces. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 7: Hypernormalized destruction: making sense of why business organisations are able to act with impunity. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 8: Absurdity of the Climate Transition that Never Happened. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 9: A Way out of Absurdity and Hypernormalization. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., Brookes, A. Hack-Polay, D., Kordowicz, M. & Mendy, J. (2022). Chapter 10: Moving Forward with Absurdity. The Absurd Workplace: How Absurdity is Normalized in Contemporary Society and the Workplace. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan/Springer.
- Bal, P.M., & Izak, M. (2020). Paradigms of flexibility: a systematic review of research on workplace flexibility. European Management Review, in press.
- Bal, P.M. (2020). Preface to the Special Issue on “The Impact of Resilience in Developing Individual and Organizational Capacity to ‘Bounce Back’ from Challenges”. Advances in Developing Human Resources, in press.
- Bal, P.M., Kordowicz, & Brookes, A. (2020). A Workplace Dignity Perspective on Resilience: Moving beyond Individualized Instrumentalization to Dignified Resilience. Advances in Developing Human Resources, in press.
- Clark, S.M., Hack-Polay, D., & Bal, P.M. (2020). Social mobility and promotion of officers to senior ranks in the Royal Navy – meritocracy or class ceiling? Armed Forces and Society, in press.
- Bal, P.M., Brokerhof, I., & Dóci, E. (2020). How does Fiction Inform Working Lives? An Exploration of the Role of Empathy. International Journal of Public Sociology and Sociotherapy, in press.
- Bal, P.M. (2020). Why We Should Stop Measuring Performance and Well-Being. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie, 64, 196-215.
- Rodrigues, F., Pina e Cunha, M., Castanheira, F., Bal, P.M., Jansen, P.G.W. (2020). Person-job fit across the work lifespan – The case of classical ballet dancers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 118, 103400.
- Brokerhof, I.M., Ybema, J.F., Bal, P.M. (2020). Illness narratives and chronic patients’ sustainable employability: The impact of positive work stories. PLoS ONE, 15e0228581.
- Kooij, D.T.A.M., Nijssen, H., & Bal, P.M. (2020). The active role of older workers in daily work engagement and performance: the role of daily job crafting in active jobs. Work, Aging and Retirement, 6, 165-174.
- Silic, M., Caputo, A., Marzi, G., & Bal, P.M. (2020). The effects of a gamified human resource management system on job satisfaction and engagement. Human Resource Management Journal, 30, 260-277.
- Mendy, J., Rahman, M., & Bal, P.M. (2020). Using the ‘best-fit’ approach to investigate the effects of politico-economic and social barriers on SMEs’ internationalisation in an emerging country context: Implications and future directions. Thunderbird International Business Review, 62, 199-211.
- Bal, P.M., & Vossaert, L. (2019). Development of an i-deals motivation and management measure. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 18, 201-215.
- Bal, P. M., Dóci, E., Lub, X., Van Rossenberg, Y. G. T., Nijs, S., Achnak, S., Briner, R. B. Brookes, A., Chudzikowski, K., De Cooman, R., De Gieter, S., De Jong, J., De Jong, S. B., Dorenbosch, L., Goreishi Galugahi, M. A., Hack-Polay, D., Hofmans, J., Hornung, S., Khuda, K., Klamer, R., Mendy, J., Mol, S. T., Navarro, J., Hotelaers, G., Ossenkop, C., Pickett, J., Rollmann, L., Sanderson, Z., Sosnowska, J., Spanouli, A., Vantilborgh, T., Van Dijk, H., Van Zelst, M. (2019). Manifesto for the future of work and organizational psychology. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28, 289-299.
- Akkermans, J., De Jong, S., De Jong, J., & Bal, P.M. (2019). My and my team: the role of social context in psychological contract breach and fulfillments. In: C. Cooper & Y. Griep (eds.), Handbook of Research on the Psychological Contract at Work. Chapter 8.
- Bal, P.M. & Hornung, S. (2019). Individualization of work: from psychological contracts to ideological deals. In: C. Cooper & Y. Griep (eds.), Handbook of Research on the Psychological Contract at Work. Chapter 7.
- Bal, P.M. & Vantilborgh, T. (2019). Lifespan perspectives on psychological contracts. In: B. Baltes, C. Rudolph, & H. Zacher (eds), Work across the Lifespan (pp. 455-474). Elsevier Publishers.
- Akkermans, J., Bal, P. M., & De Jong, S. B. (2019). Buffering the breach: examining the three-way interaction between unit climate level, strength, and psychological contract breach. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 473.
- Bal, P.M., & Boehm, S.A. (2019). How do i-deals influence client satisfaction? The role of exhaustion, collective commitment, and age diversity. Journal of Management, 45, 1461-1487.
- Rofcanin, Y., Berber, A., Marescaux, E., Bal, P.M., Mughal, F., & Findikli, M.A. (2019). HR Differentiation. A Theoretical Paper Integrating Co-Workers’ Perspective and Context. Human Resource Management Journal, 29, 270-286.
- Gomes Maia, L., Bal, P.M., & Bittencourt Bastos, A.V. (2019). Changes to newcomers’ psychological contract over time: the interactive effects of the fulfilment of employer and employee obligations. Universitas Psychologica, 18, 1-13.
- Zhang, J., Bal, P.M., Akhtar, M.N., Long, L., Zhang, Y., & Ma, Z. (2019). High-performance work systems and employee performance: the role of employee thriving and proactive personality. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 57, 369-395.
- Rofcanin, Y., Las Heras, M., Bal, P.M., Van der Heijden, B., & Erdogan, D.T. (2018). A trickle-down model of task and development i-deals. Human Relations, 71, 1508-1534.
- Brokerhof, I.M., Bal, P.M., Jansen, P.W.G. & Solinger, O.N. (2018) Fictional Narratives and Identity Change: three pathways through which Stories influence the Dialogical Self. In M. Puchalska-Wasyl, P. Oles, H.J.M. Hermans (Eds.), Dialogical Self: Inspirations, considerations, and research (pp.29-57). Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.
- Dóci, E., & Bal, P.M. (2018). Ideology in work and organizational psychology: the responsibility of the researcher. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27, 558-560.
- Bal, P.M., & Dóci, E. (2018). Neoliberal ideology in work and organizational psychology. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 27, 536-548.
- Zhang, J., Akhtar, M.N., Bal, P.M., Zhang, Y. & Talat, U. (2018) How do high-performance work systems affect individual outcomes: a multilevel perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 9: 586.
- Bal, P.M., & De Jong, S.B. (2018). Create more value for all: a human dignity oriented approach to consulting. In: G. Manville, O. Matthias, & J. Cambell (eds.), Management Consultancy Insights and Real Consultancy Projects (pp. 39-50). Gower books: Taylor & Francis Group.
- Bal, P.M. (2017). Dignity in the Workplace. New Theoretical Perspectives. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave MacMillan.
- Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Bal, P.M., & Stollberger, J. (2017). How do flexibility i-deals affect work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38, 1280-1294.
- Bal, P.M. (2017). Why do employees negotiate idiosyncratic deals? An exploration of the process of i-deal negotiation. New Zealand Journal of Employment Relations, 42, 2-18.
- Polat, T., Bal, P.M., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2017). How do development HR practices contribute to employees’ motivation to continue working beyond early retirement age? Work, Aging and Retirement, 3, 366-378.
- Van der Velde, M.E.G., Jansen, P.G.W., Bal, P.M., & Van Erp, K. (2017). Dual career couples’ willingness to relocate abroad: the reciprocal influence of both partners’ career role salience and partner role salience. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 26, 195-207.
- Bal, P.M., Hofmans, J., & Polat, T. (2017). Breaking psychological contracts with the burden of workload: a weekly study of job resources as moderators. Applied Psychology: an International Review, 66, 143-167.
- Bal, P.M., & De Jong, S.B. (2017). From human resource management to human dignity development: a dignity perspective on HRM and the role of workplace democracy. In: M. Kostera & M. Pirson (eds.), Dignity and Organizations. (pp. 173-195). Palgrave McMillan.
- Lopez Bohle, S., Bal, P.M., Jansen, P.G.W., Leiva, P.I., & Alonso, A.M. (2016). How mass layoffs are related to lower job performance and OCB among surviving employees: an investigation of the essential role of psychological contract in Chile. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28, 2837-2860.
- Hakemulder, F., Fialho, O., & Bal, P.M. (2016). Learning from literature: empirical research on readers in schools and at the workplace. In: M. Burke, Fialho, & S. Zyngier (eds.). Scientific Approaches to Literature in Learning Environments (pp 19-37). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Bal, P.M., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2016). Workplace flexibility across the lifespan. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 34, 43-99.
- Akhtar, M.N., Bal, P.M., & Long, L. (2016). Exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect reactions to organizational change: A sensemaking perspective through the lens of the psychological contract. Employee Relations, 38, 536-562.
- Oostrom, J.K., Pennings, M., & Bal, P.M. (2016). How do idiosyncratic deals contribute to the employability of older workers? Career Development International, 21, 176-192.
- Solinger, O.N., Bal, P.M., Hofmans, J., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2016). Bouncing back from psychological contract breach: how commitment recovers over time. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 37, 494-514.
- De Cooman, R., Van Tilborgh, T, Bal, P.M., &. Lub, X.D. (2016). Creating inclusive teams through perceptions of supplementary and complementary person-team fit: Examining the relationship between person-team fit and team effectiveness. Group and Organization Management, 41, 310-342.
- Lub, X.D., Bal, P.M., Blomme, R.J., & Schalk, R. (2016). One job, one deal…or not: Do generations respond differently to psychological contract fulfillment? International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27, 653-680.
- Bal, P.M., De Lange, A.H., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., Zacher, H., Oderkerk, F., & Otten, S. (2015). Young at heart, old at work? Relations between age (meta-) stereotypes, self-categorization, and retirement attitudes Journal of Vocational Behavior, 91, 35-45.
- Bal, P.M., & Rousseau, D.M. (2015). Idiosyncratic deals between employees and organizations: conceptual issues, applications, and the role of coworkers. London: Psychology Press.
- Bal, P.M., & Lub. X.D. (2015). Individualization of work arrangements: A contextualized perspective on the rise and use of i-deals. In: Bal, P.M., & Rousseau, D.M. (eds.). Idiosyncratic deals between employees and organizations: conceptual issues, applications, and the role of coworkers. London: Psychology Press.
- Bal, P.M., Van Kleef, M., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2015). The impact of career customization on work outcomes: Boundary conditions of manager support and employee age. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 421-440.
- Bal, P.M., & Dorenbosch, L. (2015). Age-related differences in the relations between individualized HRM and organizational performance: a large-scale employer survey. Human Resource Management Journal, 25, 41-61.
- Bal, P.M., & De Lange, A.H. (2015). From flexibility human resource management to employee engagement and perceived job performance across the lifespan: a multi-sample study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88, 126-154.
- Bal, P.M. (2015). Sustainable careers: enabling older workers to continue working through individualized work arrangements. In: De Vos, A., & Van der Heijden, B. (eds.). Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers. (pp. 304-318). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers.
- Bal, P.M. (2015). Age and the psychological contract. In: N.A. Pachana (ed). Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. Springer Publishers.
- Bal, P.M., Kooij, D.T.A.M., & Rousseau, D.M. (2015). Aging Workers and the Employee-Employer Relationship. Springer Publishers.
- Vantilborgh, T., Dries, N., De Vos, A., & Bal, P.M. (2015). The psychological contracts of older workers. In: Bal, P.M., Kooij, D.T.A.M. & Rousseau, D.M. (eds.). Aging Workers and the Employee-Employer Relationship. (pp. 107-127). Springer Publishers.
- Bal, P.M., & Jansen, P.G.W., (2015). Idiosyncratic deals for older workers: increased heterogeneity among older workers enhance the need for i-deals. In: Bal, P.M., Kooij, D.T.A.M. & Rousseau, D.M. (eds.). Aging Workers and the Employee-Employer Relationship. (pp. 129-144). Springer Publishers.
- Lub, X.D., Bal, P.M., Blomme, R.J., & Schalk, R. (2014). Why do generational differences in psychological contracts exist? In: E. Parry (ed.). Generational Diversity at Work. New Research Perspectives. (pp 37-51). New York: Routledge.
- Bester, F., Bosch, A., & Bal, P.M. (2014). Work-based identity model testing. In: P.G.W. Jansen & G. Roodt (eds.), Conceptualising and Measuring Work Identity. Springer Publishers.
- De Jong, S.B. & Bal, P.M. (2014). How asymmetrical task dependence and task interdependence interact - an individual level study into the effects on affective reactions. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 29, 1115-1132.
- Kooij, D.T.A.M., Bal, P.M., & Kanfer, R. (2014). Future time perspective and promotion focus as determinants of intraindividual change in work motivation. Psychology and Aging, 29, 319-329.
- Bal, P.M., Kooij, D.T.A.M., & De Jong, S.B. (2013). How do developmental and accommodative HRM enhance employee engagement and commitment? The role of psychological contract and SOC-strategies. Journal of Management Studies, 50, 545-572.
- Bal, P.M., De Lange, A.H., Zacher, H., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2013). A lifespan perspective on psychological contracts and their relations with organizational commitment. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 279-292.
- Bal, P.M. & Veltkamp, M. (2013). How does fiction reading influence empathy? An experimental investigation on the role of emotional transportation. PLos ONE, 8, 1, e55341, doi:10.171/journal.pone.0055341.
- Bal, P.M., De Cooman, R., & Mol, S.T. (2013). Dynamics of psychological contracts with work engagement and turnover intention: The influence of organizational tenure. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 22, 107-122.
- Bal, P.M., De Lange, A.H., Jansen, P.G.W., & Van der Velde, M.E.G. (2013). A longitudinal study of age-related differences in reactions to psychological contract breach. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 62, 157-181.
- Zacher, H., & Bal, P.M. (2012). Professor age and research assistant ratings of passive-avoidant and proactive leadership: investigating the role of age-related work concerns and age stereotypes. Studies in Higher Education, 37, 875-896.
- Lub, X.D., Bijvank, M.N., Bal, P.M., Blomme, R., & Schalk, M.J.D. (2012). Different or alike? Exploring the psychological contract and commitment of different generations of hospitality workers. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24, 553-573.
- Bal, P.M., & Smit, P. (2012). The older the better! Age-related differences in emotion regulation after psychological contract breach. Career Development International, 17, 6-24.
- Bal, P.M., De Jong, S.B., Jansen, P.G.W., & Bakker, A.B. (2012). Motivating Employees to Work beyond Retirement: a multi-level study of the role of I-deals and unit climate. Journal of Management Studies, 49, 306-331.
- Bal, P.M., Butterman, O.S., & Bakker, A.B. (2011). The influence of fictional narrative experience on work outcomes: a conceptual analysis and research model. Review of General Psychology, 15, 361-370.
- Bal, P.M., Chiaburu, D.S., & Diaz, I. (2011). Does psychological contract breach decrease proactive behaviors? The moderating effect of emotion regulation. Group & Organization Management, 36, 722-758.
- Lub, X.D., Blomme, R.J., & Bal, P.M. (2011). Psychological contract and organizational citizenship behavior: a new deal for new generations? Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 7, 109-130.
- De Lange, A.H., Bal, P.M., Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., De Jong, N., & Schaufeli, W.B. (2011). When I'm 64: Psychological contract breach and work motivation: the moderating role of time perspective and regulatory focus. Work & Stress, 25, 339-354.
- Bal, P.M., & Visser, M.S. (2011). When are teachers motivated to work beyond retirement age? The importance of support, change of work role and money. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 39, 590-602.
- Bal, P.M., & Vink, R.C. (2011). Ideological currency in psychological contracts: the role of team relationships in a reciprocity perspective. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22, 2794-2817.
- Bal, P.M., & Kooij, D. (2011). The relations between work centrality, psychological contracts, and job attitudes: the influence of age. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 20, 497-523.
- Bal, P.M., De Lange, A.H., Ybema, J.F., Jansen, P.G.W., & Van der Velde, M.E.G. (2011). Age and trust as moderators in the relations between procedural justice and turnover: a large-scale longitudinal study. Applied Psychology: an International Review, 60, 66-86.
- De Lange, A.H., Van Yperen, N.W, Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M., & Bal, P.M. (2010). Dominant achievement goals of older workers and their relationship with motivation-related outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 77, 118-125.
- Bal, P.M., Jansen, P.G.W., Van der Velde, M.E.G., De Lange, A.H., & Rousseau, D.M. (2010). The role of future time perspective in psychological contracts: a study among older workers. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76, 474-486.
- Schalk, R. Van Veldhoven, M., De Lange, A.H., De Witte, H., Bal, M. e.a. (2010). Moving European research on work and ageing forward: overview and agenda. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 19, 76-101.
- Bal, P.M., Chiaburu, D.S., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2010). Psychological contract breach and work performance: is social exchange a buffer or an intensifier? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 25, 252-273.
- Bakker, A.B., & Bal, P.M. (2010). Work engagement and performance: a weekly diary study among starting teachers. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 83, 189-206.
- Age and Psychological Contract Breach in Relation to Work Outcomes. VU University Amsterdam: unpublished dissertation (cum laude).
- Bal, P.M., De Lange, A.H., Jansen, P.G.W., & Van der Velde, M.E.G. (2008). Psychological contract breach and job attitudes: a meta-analysis of age as a moderator. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 72, 143-158.
Dutch Publications:
- Bal, P.M. (2019). Kritische perspectieven op Human Resource Management. In: W. de Lange (ed.). Canon van HRM. Vakmedianet.
- Bal, M. (2018). Waardigheid in Human Resource Management? Een exploratie van de betekenis van waardigheid in werk. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 3, 38-54.
- Bal, P. M., & De Lange, A. (2018). Inclusief HRM-beleid: een wetenschappelijk perspectief. In A. De Lange, E. Wielenga-Meijer, T. Duijker, & B. Hanstede (eds.), Omdat Het Kan! HRM-Handvatten voor een inclusieve arbeidsmarkt (pp.101-114). Alphen aan den Rijn, NL: Vakmedianet.
- Bal, P.M. (2016). A&O Psychologie in een menswaardige maatschappij. [Work and Organizational Psychology in a dignified society]. Gedrag en Organisatie, 29, 189-202.
- Bal, P.M. (2015). Voorbij Neoliberalisme in de Arbeids- en Organisatiepsychologie: Menselijke Waardigheid en Organisatiedemocratie. Gedrag en Organisatie, 28, 199-219.
- Jansen, P.G.W., Bal, P.M. & Kooij, T.A.M. (2014). Ouderen en arbeid. In: J. van Vliet & J.S. Jukema (Eds.), Perspectieven op ouder worden en de sociaal professional (pp. 73-82). Den Haag, NL: Boom Lemma.
- Schalk, R., & Bal, P.M. (2013). Duurzaam actief: activiteiten op latere leeftijd. In: De Lange, A.H., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (eds.). Ouder worden en duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk. Theorie, interventies, best practices en integrale benaderingen. pp. 219-234. Alphen aan den Rijn, NL: Vakmedianet.
- Bal, P.M., & Van der Velde, M.E.G. (2013). Verschillen in werkgeversverwachtingen ten aanzien van jongere en oudere werknemers, en hun reacties op contractbreuk. In: De Lange, A.H., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (eds.). Ouder worden en duurzame inzetbaarheid op het werk. Theorie, interventies, best practices en integrale benaderingen. pp. 155-165. Alphen aan den Rijn, NL: Vakmedianet.
- Van der Meij, K., & Bal, P.M. (2013). De ideale I-deal. I-deals, Organizational Citizenship Behavior en de invloed van uitwisselingsrelatie. Gedrag en Organisatie, 26, 156-181.
- Schalk, R., & Bal, M. (2012). Accountant in ruste wordt meubelmaker en spaart zo voor zijn oude dag Sociale Vraagstukken.
- Bal, M., & De Jong, S. (2012). I-deals in de zorg. Langer doorwerken, ideaal voor iedereen. Gids voor Personeelsmanagement, 4, 32-34.
- Polat, T., Bal, P.M., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2012). Hoe willen werknemers na hun pensioen blijven werken? Een studie naar vormen van langer doorwerken. Gedrag en Organisatie, 25, 66-86.
- Van der Velde, M.E.G. & Bal, P.M. (2012). Psychologisch contract en leeftijd: verwachtingen van jongere en oudere werknemers ten aanzien van hun werkgever en hun reacties op psychologisch contractbreuk. Opleiding & Ontwikkeling, 40-44.
- Bal, P.M., Butterman, O.S., & Bakker, A.B. (2011). Hoe boeken mijn leven veranderden! De invloed van fictie op werkgedrag. In: F. Hakemulder (ed.). De Stralende Lezer, (pp. 68-93). Stichting Lezen.
- Bal, P.M., Jansen, P., Van der Velde, M., De Lange, A., & Rousseau, D. (2010). De rol van toekomstperspectief in het psychologisch contract van oudere werknemers. Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie, 84, 381-394.
- Bal, P.M. (2010). Oudere werknemers en het psychologisch contract: vier wijze lessen voor organisaties die hun oudere werknemers willen behouden. Tijdschrift voor HRM, 13, 5-20.
- Jansen, P., Kooij, D., & Bal, M. (2010). Senioren zijn beter voor de zaak. FD Outlook, 3 (1), 50-51.
- Bal, P.M., De Lange, A.H., Jansen, P.G.W., & Van der Velde, M.E.G. (2010). Leeftijd, het psychologisch contract, en werkattitudes: een meta-analyse. Gedrag en Organisatie, 23, 44-72.
- Bal, P.M. (2008). Post-pensionados. Hoe worden 65-plussers gemotiveerd om te werken? Gids voor Personeelmanagement, 87 (11), 34-36.
- Bal, P.M. (2006). Het psychologisch contract tussen oudere werknemers en de organisatie. Personeelsbeleid, 42 (11), 44-47.
- Bal, P.M., Bakker, A.B., & Kallenberg, A.J. (2005). Bevlogen voor de klas [The engaged teacher]. Velon Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders, 27 19-22.
Academic Presentations:
Bal, P.M. (2015). Why and How do Employees Negotiate Idiosyncratic Deals? An Exploration of the Process and Context of I-deal Negotiation. Paper presented at HRM Network Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Bal, P.M. & Boehm, S. (2015). Individualizing Work to Satisfy the Client: The Role of Burnout, Collective Commitment, and Age Diversity. Paper presented at Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada
De Cooman, R., Vantilborgh, T., Bal, P.M., & Lub, X. (2015). When does person-environment fit enhance team outcomes? Examining the interaction between supplementary and complementary person-team fit. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Solinger, O.N., Bal, P.M., Hofmans, J., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2015). Bouncing back from psychological contract breach: How commitment recovers over time. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Bal, P.M., & Boehm, S. (2015). The Relationships of I-deals with Customer Satisfaction: The Role of Age Diversity, Burnout and Commitment. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Groen, B., Lub, X., & Bal, P.M. (2015). Adolescents' values: influence of generational experiences versus family transmission. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.
De Jong, J., Clinton, M., Bal, P.M., & Van der Heijden, B.I.J.M. (2015). How psychological contract breach by subordinates affects weekly stress levels of managers: The roles of performance pressure and trust in higher management. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Bal, P.M. (2015). Why and How do Employees Negotiate Idiosyncratic Deals? An Exploration of the Process and Context of I-deal Negotiation. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Oslo, Norway.
Bal, P.M., & De Lange, A.H. (2014). From flexibility HRM to employee engagement and perceived job performance across the lifespan: a multi-sample study. Paper presented at Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Bal, P.M., & Dorenbosch, L. (2014). Age-related differences in the relations between individualized HRM and organizational performance: a large-scale employer survey. Paper presented at Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Lub, X., Bal, P.M., Schalk, R., & Blomme, R. (2014). Why do generational differences in psychological contracts exist? Paper presented at Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA.
Bal, P.M., Van Kleef, M., & Jansen, P.G.W. (2013). The impact of career customization on work outcomes: the pivotal roles of employee age and manager support. Paper presented at the HRM-Network Conference, Leuven, Belgium.
Bal, P.M., Hofmans, J., & Polat, T. (2013). POS and psychological contract breach and violation: a weekly diary study. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Münster, Germany.
Bal, P.M., Hofmans, J., & Polat, T. (2013). POS and psychological contract breach and violation: a weekly diary study. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Münster, Germany.
Bal, P.M., Hofmans, J., & Polat, T. (2012). Job experiences and psychological contract breach and violation: a weekly diary study. Paper presented at the 2nd Psychological Contract Meeting, Canberra, Australia.
Bal, P.M. (2012). A longitudinal study of age-related differences in reactions to psychological contract breach. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.
Bal, P.M. & Strauss, K. (2012). Possible selves at work: from identity work to job crafting. Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Boston, MA.
Bal, P.M., De Jong, S.B., Jansen, P.G.W., & Bakker, A.B. (2011). Motivating employees to work beyond retirement: a multi-level study of the role of I-deals. Paper presented at the Dutch HRM-Network Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Bal, P.M. & Vantilborgh, T. (2011). New directions for psychological contract research in 2011: content, methods, and applications. Symposium presented at the Academy of Management Conference, San Antonia, TX.
Lub, X., Bal, P.M., & Blomme, R. (2011). OCB and the psychological contract in a hospitality setting: serving a new deal for new generations? Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, San Antonia, TX.
Bal, P.M., De Jong, S.B., Jansen, P.G.W., & Bakker, A.B. (2011). Motivating employees to work beyond retirement: a multi-level study of the role of I-deals. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, San Antonia, TX.
Lub, X.D., Bal, P.M., & Blomme, R.J. (2011). A generational perspective on the psychological contract and commitment. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Solinger & Bal, P.M. (2011). Tools for the 'validity police': an empirical procedure for improving construct clarity. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Bal, P.M., & Kooij, D. (2011). When does HRM enhance commitment? The role of psychological contract and SOC-strategies. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Bal, P.M., De Jong, S.B., Jansen, P.G.W., & Bakker, A.B. (2011). Motivating employees to work beyond retirement: a multi-level study of the role of I-deals and establishment climate. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Kooij, D., & Bal, M. (2011). Why work-related growth motives decrease with age: the mediating influence of future time perspective and promotion focus. Paper presented at SIOP Conference, Chicago, IL.
De Cooman, R., Bal, M., & Vantilborgh, T. (2010). The differential impact of supplementary and complementary fit: is misfit counterproductive for team effectiveness? Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, CA.
Bal, M., De Cooman, R., & Mol, S. (2010). Reciprocity in Psychological Contracts: Evidence for Reversed Causality in the Relations between Inducements and Outcomes. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Montreal, CA.
Bal, M., & Butterman, O.S. (2010). The influence of fictional narratives on work behaviors. Paper presented at the IGEL Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Bal, M., De Lange, A., Jansen, P., & Van der Velde, M. (2010). A socio-emotional selectivity perspective on the relations between psychological contract breach and work outcomes. Paper presented at the IWP Conference, Sheffield, UK.
Bal, M., Chiaburu, D., & Jansen, P. (2009). Psychological contract breach and work performance: is social exchange a buffer or an intensifier? Paper presented at the Academy of Management Conference, Chicago.
Bal, M., Kooij, D., Van der Velde, M., & Jansen, P. (2009). Motivation to continue working after retirement: model of its antecedents and development of a scale. Paper presented at the EAWOP conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Bal, M., De Lange, A., Jansen, P., & Van der Velde, M. (2009). Reciprocity in psychological contracts of younger and older workers. Paper presented at the EAWOP conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Bal, M., & Butterman, O. (2009). Novels ideas through reading novels: how reading books influences work behaviors. Paper presented at the EAWOP conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Bal, M., Jansen, P., & Kooij, D. (2009). Enhancing work identity through your psychological contract with the organization. Paper presented at the EAWOP conference, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Bal, M. (2008). Psychological contract breach and job attitudes: a meta-analysis of age as a moderator. Paper presented at the Prebem Conference, Amersfoort, the Netherlands.
Bal, M. (2008). Types of psychological contracts and job attitudes: age as a moderator. Paper presented at the Annual P&H Conference, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Bal, M. (2007). Taking a lifespan perspective on the relations between psychological contracts and job attitudes. Paper presented at WAOP Conference, Enschede, the Netherlands.
Bal, M. (2007). The moderating influence of age and tenure on the relations between psychological contracts and job attitudes. Paper presented at the HRM-Network Conference, Tilburg, the Netherlands.
Bal, M. (2007). What about ageing and the psychological contract? A meta-analysis of 20 years research. Paper presented at EAWOP Conference, Stockholm, Sweden.
Bal, M. (2007). Psychological contract and aging: a test of age-related differences in the experience and relations of psychological contracts. Paper presented at the SGM on Psychological Contracts, Zürich, Switzerland.
Bal, M. (2007). Aging, the psychological contract, and work-related outcomes: a meta-analysis. Paper presented at SGM on Aging at Work, Tilburg, NL.
Bal, M. (2006). A state-of-the-art review on studies examining the psychological contract. Paper presented at the EA-OHP Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Bal, M., De Lange, A.H., Jansen, P.G.W., & Van der Velde, M.E.G. (2006). The relations between ageing and psychological contracts: a meta-analysis of 20 years research. Paper presented at WAOP conference, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Bal, M. (2006). How work engagement influences performance: a weekly diary study among starting teachers. Paper presented at WAOP conference, Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Bal, M. (2005). The Psychological contract between the older worker and the organization. Presentation held at HRM-Network Conference, Enschede, the Netherlands.
Bal, M. & Kallenberg, T. (2005). Bevlogen voor de klas. Paper presented at Velon Conference, Groningen, the Netherlands.